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Lechner & Lechner
Wie in der Einleitung bereits kurz umrissen, bildet der Verkehr am Flussraum ein zentrales Thema. Infolge- dessen ist unserer Meinung nach keine zukunftsweisende Strategie für den Flussraum realisierbar, ohne einen Standpunkt zu diesem Thema zu entwickeln. In der Abbildung im Hintergrund sind die Hauptver- kehrsstraßen der Nord-Süd-Verbindung durch die Stadt am Flussraum dargestellt. Auf der nachstehenden Doppelseite befindet sich ein Ãœbersichtsplan über den Verkehr.
Wie in der Einleitung bereits kurz umrissen, bildet der Verkehr am Flussraum ein zentrales Thema. Infolge- dessen ist unserer Meinung nach keine zukunftsweisende Strategie für den Flussraum realisierbar, ohne einen Standpunkt zu diesem Thema zu entwickeln. In der Abbildung im Hintergrund sind die Hauptver- kehrsstraßen der Nord-Süd-Verbindung durch die Stadt am Flussraum dargestellt. Auf der nachstehenden Doppelseite befindet sich ein Ãœbersichtsplan über den Verkehr.
Wie in der Einleitung bereits kurz umrissen, bildet der Verkehr am Flussraum ein zentrales Thema. Infolge- dessen ist unserer Meinung nach keine zukunftsweisende Strategie für den Flussraum realisierbar, ohne einen Standpunkt zu diesem Thema zu entwickeln. In der Abbildung im Hintergrund sind die Hauptver- kehrsstraßen der Nord-Süd-Verbindung durch die Stadt am Flussraum dargestellt. Auf der nachstehenden Doppelseite befindet sich ein Ãœbersichtsplan über den Verkehr.
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner

Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner

Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner

Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
Lechner & Lechner
The project was developed as part of E4 at the Institute of urban design (ioud) at the University of Innsbruck under the supervision of Prof. Peter Trummer, Cintya Sanchez Morales and Zeynep Cinar. The basic idea behind this design method is that everything in this world is already there and only needs to be reconnected. The aim of the design was to create a new American Football Stadium in L.A. (USA) from an existing car garage, a stadium and a mountain. The Temple Street Garage by Paul Roulph was chosen as the car garage, which is characterized by its brutalist architecture with a sculptural, cave-like facade made of concrete and the fact that it is raised from the ground level by a high column grid on the ground floor. As a stadium, the Olympia Stadium Munich and its translucent free-form roof by Frei Otto were an exciting object for us. The mountains chosen are the Tepuis, table mountains almost 3000 meters high in the west of the Guiana Mountains on the northern edge of the Amazon basin in Venezuela, Guyana and Brazil
The straight cross-section of the upper part of the table mountains and the contrasting highlands with their depths and large rock formations were particularly relevant for the design. These objects were digitally reconstructed and numerous elements were cut out. These included the sculptural facade of the Temple Street Garage, its base zone, the roof structure of the Olympic Stadium, the cashier houses, the cliffs of the table mountains plateau and additional elements were then put together for the new project. In addition, numerous elements were woven into the new design in an abstract way that are not immediately apparent. The straight facade of the L.A. Stadium is inspired by the upper part of the cross-section of the table mountains. The incisions in the building envelope, which create visual connections between the city and the inner heart of the stadium, are taken from the entire profile of the mountains - a flat ascent at the beginning and a straight end to the high plateau.

The stage itself consists on the higher level of the raised ground level, the central area, the grid with the infrastructure and the double skin. Raising the ground level creates entrances to the stadium in all directions. There is no main entrance, but the stadium opens equally to all points of the compass. The notches in this base area, which come from the high plateaus of the table mountains, create inner courtyards. The center is formed from the upscaled rocks from the Tafelberg high plateau. This is also where the playing field itself is located, with the grandstands growing out of the rock-like formations. It is possible to park the car directly with a view of the field, a “drive in stadium” so to speak. The second part of the center is a public viewing area that also includes residential areas. The grid is the transition zone between the city and the stadium itself.
In addition, the grid is deliberately equipped with space for the future development of the new “Stadium City”. The skin already described captures the space of the stadium and, thanks to its translucent properties, allows light to penetrate the infrastructure zone as well as the center of the stadium. From the top view, one can see how the stadium, through its rectangular shape, relates to the grid of LA and inwardly breaking this clear order. At the same time, it gives an idea of ​​how the grid can be used, for example, for startups and shows the development for individual traffic, which lead through helical ramps into the rock-like formations of the center. The view shows the visual relationship between the city and the center of the stadium, through the incisions in the double skin of the building.
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